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January 2024 featured books:

Who Wants to be Friends With a Dragon? By Linda Drattell & Eve Marie Little, Illustrated by Mark Vicente

A dragon hides each day in the forest, watching as children and animals play together. He wants to join them but fears they will reject him because of the size of his wings, the sharpness of his nails, the power of his tail, and the fact he can blow fire. One day, a boy approaches the dragon, accepts their differences, and invites him to play. The dragon musters up the courage to attend the boy’s birthday party and, by trial and error, learns that his differences make him fit in! Who Wants to be Friends With a Dragon? is the story of a lonely dragon who overcomes his fear of rejection to find the true meaning of friendship when he meets a boy who appreciates him for who he is.


Lightning’s Children by John Logue

About the Book

Alec Spotsworth lives in Atlanta, Georgia, where he has been a newspaper reporter of minor events for seven years and a columnist for eight. His columns lay flat on the page: a cat with five toes, a hair compound of quince seed, the city’s new one-way sign that has been pointing the wrong way. Typesetters in the composing room scream curses when handed the day’s Spotsworth column. And then comes today.

He sits down and writes one name: Skeebo Wescott III. He stops. He thinks, and remembers the panties on the bus, visible for the full forty-five minute ride. He types, with no thought of stopping: The smooth bone under the skin of her legs and the deep, rising, altogether softness of her body join inside the rare, thin, swollen, breathing elasticity of soft white panties. Spotsworth’s world, and Atlanta, will never be the same.

About the Author

John Logue was a sportswriter for ten years with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and he was a founding editor of Southern Living magazine and editor-in-chief of its book division, Oxmoor House. He has published seven Morris-and-Sullivan mystery novels, and one political novel, Boats Against the Current. He also helped the late Auburn football coach Pat Dye write his autobiography. He and his wife Helen Logue live in Birmingham, Alabama. He also likes to sneak in that he earned a basketball letter at what is now Auburn University.



The Decision Maker: Power, Pride, and Paper by Rex Voge

About the Book

“You don’t get into this business for the charm bracelets, you do it for the paper. Money makes the world go round. And if you don’t have it, you’ll do anything to get it.”

Step into a world of cash, crime, and power. See through the eyes of Thomas Marcini as he tells the story of his family and the man who protects the business. Whether it’s a fistful of cash or a closed casket, he is always there.

He is The Decision Maker.

About the Author

Rex Voge’s biggest passion is fishing. He absolutely loves it and could spend an entire day at the lake and not have a bad day.

Voge also enjoys making music. He is a fairly skilled drummer and he loves rock n’roll.

This book is dedicated to Voge’s family, his parents, and his brothers and sisters. The people who inspire him to give his best in everything, and this is his very best.



Use Your W.O.R.D.S.: Weapons Over Real-life Decisions and Situations by Regina Farai’ Edwards

About the Book

It happened to me at an early age: the first time words changed my reality. “You’re ugly.” Two words I chose to believe changed the person I grew into. It took decades to heal a wound that festered into what I thought was my personality.

As I looked back, I realized I had a comforter, a friend, a cheerleader, and a defender all along—my writings. Reciting, affirming, and sharing my inner thoughts transformed me from an insecure depressed child to a confident, healthy-minded woman. Through this book, I share my actual diary entries from my twenty-plus-year journey so you can see some of the painful processes that lead to peace and progression. At the end of each chapter, I leave you with a question and some empty pages for YOUR words. My prayer is that you connect to the events of my life and find yourself somewhere in my journey.

About the Author
Regina was born and raised in Green Pond, South Carolina, where she lived the quiet country life. She adores God, family, music, creativity, and connecting with people. Although she’s an extreme introvert, her spirit is extroverted. Her parents, six siblings, daughter, fiancé, and close family and friends make up her village of support. She is forever grateful and humbled to be used as a vessel to bless others with her journey.
Regina has an associate’s degree in mass communications and a bachelor’s degree in biology. She has been a victim’s advocate for more than ten years and proudly serves her country in the United States Air Force.


Where White Shoes Walk: A Nurse’s Journey by Mary Lu Gerke Ph.D.

About the Book

Where White Shoes Walk follows the professional journey of Mary Lu Gerke Ph.D. as she goes through her career as a nurse. She shares the remarkable true stories of patients, families, and coworkers that will make you laugh and cry. Being a healthcare worker is hard, but the rewards are even greater. At many times, God was by Mary’s side and his guidance along with her own personal ethos about nursing helped untold numbers of patients, families, and coworkers. It shows that placing compassion, care, and humanity at the heart of healthcare work can change minds and lives.

About the Author

Mary Lu Gerke Ph.D. comes from a family of thirteen. Her family was a community. They were all very active in church, education, and many community events. She was taught growing up the need to take care of your own family, as well as your neighbors. Her hobbies include fishing, boating, kayaking, golfing, woodworking, crafts, reading, snowshoeing, biking, and spending time with family and friends. Other special interests include learning to do new things around the house and yard, repurposing items into crafts, and helping others. Where White Shoes Walk is the true memoir of her life as a nurse from the beginning of her career into retirement.


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