Made in America

Author Spotlight: Margo Beehler

Name: Margo Beehler 

Book: The Adventures of Minnie Lee and Her Underwater Friends

Genre: Children’s

  1. Describe your book. A small, challenged girl named Minnie Lee–a blessing in disguise– helps the family and her sea turtle with her love.
  2. What made you want to write The Adventures of Minnie Lee and Her Underwater Friends? I wanted people to understand families with challenges and how to treat others with kindness. I work helping underprivileged children and adults.
  3. How long did it take you to write your book?  One year.
  4. How do you choose the names of your characters? Minnielee’s name was chosen due to the fact she is small; Timmy was a good choice for a turtle…and the other sea animals just all fit together
  5. What do you do when you have writer’s block?  I write in my cabana on the beach…I don’t get writer’s block.
  6. What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?   All of the chapters that show love and kindness are my favorite.
  7. If you were stuck on an island, who would you have with you and why? Anyone from the Survivor TV show
  8. Besides writing, what are your other interests? My other interests making art projects, gardening, playing piano and guitar and riding horses.
  9. Do you keep a journal? I do not keep a journal.
  10. How did you celebrate the publishing of The Adventures of Minnie Lee and Her Underwater Friends? I celebrated with champagne and steaks.
  11. If your book was made into a movie, who would play the main characters? There is a small girl here in my town in Mexico that would be perfect for the movie!
  12. What did you enjoy most about working with Dorrance Publishing? Dorrance was helpful and precise.
  13. Favorite book of all time? The Key
  14. One sentence of advice for other writers?  Stick with it; if you feel it will work, it will.


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